Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy Surprised Lindsay!

Lindsay's classroom has a "mystery reader" program. Every Friday, a "guest" reader comes in to read a book. That week, the kids are given clues about the mystery reader. The 1st clue is very vague and then gets more and more specific.

When I saw Mrs. Loud on Tuesday, she had mentioned to me that Lindsay was pretty sure it was me. She was SO surprised and proud to see her Dad! Dad read "Fletcher and the falling leaves." Its a great book about fall. She thanked us repeatedly. It made her feel very special and I'm glad we were able to put such a big smile on her face!

Sean's Trike-A-Thon

Today, Sean's school did the annual trike-a-thon fundraiser for St. Jude's.

It was a really nice day & he had a lot of fun!

Jack's teacher even took the babies on a wagon ride so they could join in on the action.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sean's Ride

Sean finally got the hang of pedaling! Hes on the loose!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Kids (And Dad) Got To Meet A Few Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!

After the kids got home from school today, we headed to our neighborhood Albertson's. Yes, the grocery store, LOL.

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders were there, signing autographs.

Cowboy cheerleader Laura wanted to take Sean home with her. I would have to say that this is the first time that Nicholas wished he was 3.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Friday Night

Nicholas came home on Thursday with a note from a girl.

This is the 2nd girl to write him a note within the first 3 weeks. Hey, hes a cute kid!

She asked if he could go meet her & her friends at Rollerworld. He asked us if we could all go and we said yes.

Nicholas & Lindsay spent Friday night rollerskating and we got to see his "friend."
The kids had a blast!

Lindsay's Project

Lindsay's first project of the year is due this week and we've completed it!

Her assignment was to read a fairy tale (non-disney) and create a board game based on that tale.

She chose the Gingerbread Man. I helped her create the game & it turned out great. We tested it and its really fun. She named the game "You can't catch me." Lindsay couldn't be prouder and can't wait to present it to her class!

Nicholas Receives His First Progress Report...


He is doing awesome. Not only are we proud of him but he feels really good about himself, as he should!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lindsay's First Brownie Meeting

Last night, I took Lindsay to her first Brownie meeting. She was so excited, she kept asking me when she could get ready. She loves her vest & is so proud to wear it!

Last night, the girls worked on a fitness try-it. She earned that try-it patch along with a membership patch. She can't wait for me to iron them on.

All the girls in her troop are in the 3rd grade and 3 of them attend Lindsay's school.

Lindsay received her first birthday party invite. She'll be attending the party on 9/21 and shes super excited!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Day At The Grapefest!

Today we had beautiful weather so we decided to take the kids to their favorite, Sonic. After lunch, we drove over to Grapevine and spent the afternoon at the "Grapefest."

The annual festival has plenty of food, wine tasting, & carnival rides. We all had lots of fun.

The kids got to see a steam engine, ride carnival rides, and even stomp on grapes!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Beware! I Have A New Camera!!

My wonderful Husband bought me the camera that I've been lusting over!

He bought me the Canon Rebel XSi. I started messing around with it and let me tell takes the clearest pictures! I've posted a few random pictures that I took around the house.

I want to take a photography class but of course, need to find the time to do it.

Be on the're going to be flooded with pictures : )

We're Off To A Great Start!

Its hard to believe that the kids have been in school for 3 weeks!

Both Nicholas and Lindsay are doing terrific.

I've been monitoring Nicholas' grades online and he is maintaining an A average in ALL his classes!!! Hes doing terrific in all categories...homework, classwork, & quizzes. We're so proud of him! He even brought a note home from his Math teacher. She wrote that his notebook was fantastic. She also told him not to get discouraged and that she was there to help him. She said that he was doing great! Hes made an effort to sit in the front of all his classes and to participate in class discussions. Back to school night is this Monday so we're looking forward to getting feedback from his teachers.

We should have access to Lindsay's online grades any day now. Lindsay too has been doing great. Shes has been reading at least 20 minutes, each night. Because she completed her nightly reading, she got to play homeworkopoly in class & earned a prize. She was given the choice of having lunch with Mrs. Loud or being able to sit in the class loft for the day. She picked hanging out in the loft. I was wondering if her teacher would be offended but she said that a lot of the other kids picked that prize too so I think we're good. : )

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Eagles Lost : (

So...Nicholas had his first game today. His team, The Eagles, played the Lewisville Strikerz.

They lost...6 to 2.

On a positive note, Nicholas looked darn cute in his uniform!

There's A Brownie In The House!

Lindsay had several extracurricular activities to choose from and she decided that she wanted to become a Girl Scout! We are thrilled.

I went online and made some calls. I found a local troop that was able to take Lindsay in. A few of the girls in her troop are in the 3rd grade and attend Lindsay's school.

She is now a Brownie!! She has some super fun activities coming up. Stay tuned for pictures. : )

I'll be busy ironing her patches on her vest this weekend (check out the Texas Oklahoma Plains, hee hee).

Wish her luck and be prepared to buy LOTS of cookies from her : )

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This Saturday Is The Big Day!

This Saturday, Nicholas' team will be playing the GLASA (Lewisville, TX) Strikerz.

Nicholas has had practice the past 3 Thursday evenings. They really work the boys! He has had scrimmage's the past 2 Thursdays. He has scored a goal during each of the games. GO NICHOLAS!

Nicholas plays for The Eagles and is affiliated with NFWASA (North Fort Worth Alliance Soccer Association). Nicholas received his uniform today & is all set to play. He chose #6.

We're really looking forward to the game. You better believe that I'll be taking pictures!

Lindsay Is Over Half Way There!!

Lindsay & I talked about it. She didn't want to run the risk of spending her money so we decided that it would be best to take her money and buy and American Girl gift certificate.

Lindsay had $37 so I struck a deal with her. I gave Lindsay the option of a new halloween costume or $20 cash. She opted for the cash, smart girl. She'll be wearing her genie costume (which still looks darling on her) from a few years back but she has made an extra $20 towards her doll!

She purchased a gift certificate for $57. Shes over half way there!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Si hablo español!

Nicholas got off the bus today, proudly wearing a !Bravo! sticker on his forehead.

He is really taking an interest in his Spanish class. He earned a sticker and wanted to make sure that we saw it when he got home (we couldn't miss it). :D

Hes only been in school a little over 1 week and he can already recite the entire alphabet in español!

We're so proud of Nicholas!