Tuesday, December 9, 2008


David & I went on a much needed getaway to New Orleans!

It was the first time for both of us. Boy, what a city!

We had the time of our lives and look forward to going back!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Sean's school had the cutest Thanksgiving feast for the kids and their families. It was really enjoyable. We're so glad that Grandma SuCha is in town and was able to enjoy it too!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fire, Fire!

We had a fire this evening!

No, it wasn't caused by the Santa Ana winds or a crazy arsonist. God, we're glad to be outta California!

It started get get a bit chilly so David, looking hot in his new Dallas Cowboy's shirt, decided to start an beautiful fire in our fireplace. It was our first fire of the season and it was SO enjoyable. Grandma Su Cha came into town yesterday so she got to enjoy the festivities as well.

Nicholas & Sean had hot cocoa & I read The Night Before Christmas to the boys. They really got into the spirit of things. Its too bad Lindsay missed out. : ( I'm sure shes having a great time at her best friend, Emily's house and there will be plenty of fun & cozy nights for her!

Lindsay's BFF!

On Friday, Lindsay had her best friend Emily over.

Like usual, the girls wanted me to do their hair.

Aren't they adorable?

Jack Got A Buzzcut!

Look at those big blue eyes...isn't he the cutest???

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pre Trick-Or-Treating

I got some cute shots of the kids (and dad) in their costumes.

Nicholas was at a Halloween Party so I couldn't get him in the group shot. : (

Later in the evening, Lindsay attended a Halloween party and had a friend sleep over. Make sure you check back for those pictures!

Halloween Morning

Wow, what a busy day! We started off by dropping the little ones off at preschool. Both Sean & Jack had Halloween parties in their classes. It was so cute to see Sean's excitement. After dropping Jack & Sean off at school, we headed to Lindsay's school. Her school was holding their "fun run." Lindsay did great! She did 28 laps!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lindsay did it!

Lindsay saved enough money to get her American Girl doll!

On our way home from Dallas, we stopped at the American Girl store so she could buy her doll. She was SO excited. The store is a girl's dream. It was fun to see her excitement!

Lindsay has been taking her everywhere. She even took her to her friend's house for their sleepover last night.

The Texas State Fair!

We visited the fair on Friday. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! The weather was perfect. Its a great fair. There is so much to see and do. We all loved it!

The kids got to go on rides and eat a lot of fried food : ) . They got to pet so many animals. They also got to see the pig races. They even got up close and petted a Longhorn! I've posted page after page of pictures...

The performer that evening was Jessica Simpson. Her boyfriend, The Cowboy's very own Tony Romo, made an appearance.

I would have thought that the kids would be exhausted but they both ended up at friends houses for sleepovers on last night. David and I were able to have a quiet evening as we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary!

Lots of rides...

Big Tex. Love that name!

Food, Food, and more food!

The Pig Races were hilarious...