Friday, October 3, 2008

Our Family Went To A Sock Hop!

This evening, a "sock hop" was held at Lindsay's school. She was really excited about it since this was her first school dance. It was a family event so of course, we all attended.

I decided to make a poodle skirt for Lindsay. It was my first attempt but it came SO cute (if I may say so myself)! Lindsay likes it so much and is so impressed that I made it for her that she wants to wear it for Halloween.

Lindsay & I arrived a little early as I was working the 1st half hour of the root beer float stand. She had a chance to play with the kids of the other PTA members. When her Dad & brothers arrived, I bought them all root beer floats. After devouring them, they headed to the Gymnasium for a little dancing! We then let Lindsay pick out a book from the book fair & called it a night.

It was so cool to see the kids having so much fun. It was a nice way to spend our Friday evening.

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